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What forms of vitamin C are there?

What forms of vitamin C are there? 1. Vitamin C lozenges Vitamin C in lozenge form is available in sizes from 25-500 grams, suitable for those who cannot swallow tablets or children. However, it should be taken in the amount recommended by a doctor or

Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin

Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is one of the most popular vitamins use to nourish the skin, fight free radicals, and boost immunity. Because vitamin C is a highly effective antioxidant, it helps slow down aging, helps make the

3 Healthy Noodle Menus and Health Tips

Noodles are one of the most popular dishes that have been with Thai people for a long time, especially for those who love “noodles” because it is an easy menu to make, delicious, and there are many styles to choose from according to your preferences,

Foods people with heart disease should eat and avoid

Knowing information about foods that people with heart disease should eat and foods that should be avoided may help family members and patients plan appropriate health care for people with heart disease. In general, people with heart disease can eat normally, but they should focus

Bad breath not only makes you lose confidence

Bad breath is a serious matter, it is not a joke. In addition to losing confidence, it may also be a risk for various diseases. You need to get treatment immediately! Bad breath problems, in addition to ruining your personality, can also make people around

7 symptoms of abnormal sleep and treatment methods

Sleep problems are something that many people encounter without realizing it. Revealing abnormal symptoms and treatment methods from the root cause to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Most people think that people sleep just to rest after a hard day of work. For this